Module Two
Information and Knowledge Management
Read the following articles and Consider the ethical and legal implications of genetic testing…
“Should people be allowed to choose or refuse the test, or should it be mandatory, as newborn screening is in some states? Should people be able to control access to the results of their tests? If test results are released to third parties such as employers or insurers, what protections should be in place to ensure that people are not treated unfairly because of their genotype? (Institute of Medicine Committee on Assessing Genetic Risks, 1994, p. ?)
“There are many potential interests at stake for patients considering genetic testing for susceptibility to cancer and a number of legal protections for patients against genetic discrimination. Nurses and physicians who offer genetic testing should be aware of applicable laws in their states, and remain cognizant of evolving ethical principles that can guide their practice” (Lowrey, 2004, p.?)
Click here to access the IOM Committee article and here to access Lowrey’s article.
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